What to Expect When You’re Expecting to Turn 40+

Hey Ladies! Jill Brundtad, PA-C and Shayne Wilfer will facilitate as we explore the crazy, concerning and sometimes comical changed in our bodies and minds as we age. Weekly discussions to help you better understand this new version of you. Registration is required for the 7 week program. Call Karen Cropsey: 715-337-2531 or email: kcropsey@npsd.k12.wi.us…

Event Series Wiggle Giggle & Shake

Wiggle Giggle & Shake

Walter E. Olson Memorial Library 203 North Main Street, Eagle River, Wisconsin

Kids 0-5, bring your caregivers to Wiggle Giggle &  Shake, a free music and movement program where you can sing, dance and play! Grown-ups, this program can help strengthen family bonds, make connections and find support. This program is provided through a partnership with Children's Wisconsin. Contact Sara: 715-479-8070

The Northwoods Singers “Carols by Candlelight”

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church

Dr. Pamalyn Lee Directs The Northwoods Singers "Carols By Candlelight" FREE Admission Free-Will Donations gratefully accepted Refreshments following the concert  

Event Series Memory Cafe

Memory Cafe

Walter E. Olson Memorial Library 203 North Main Street, Eagle River, Wisconsin

The Memory Cafe is an opportunity for fellowship for the people living with memory loss, Alzheimer's & other related dementias and their care partners to enjoy regular, social-interaction with others to laugh, to learn and community. You can expect social connection with others having similar experiences: an informal, relaxed environment: fun, engagement & laughter. Refreshments…

Event Series Ukulele Practice/ jam Session

Ukulele Practice/ Jam Session

Walter E. Olson Memorial Library 203 North Main Street, Eagle River, Wisconsin

Join us to practice your "uke" technique every Monday. All musical lovers are welcome! Bring any instrument your voice or just a appreciative ear to our practice and jam session. The Library has ukuleles available to check out if you want to explore! Please contact the library with any questions: 715-475-8070

Event Series Story Time

Story Time

Walter E. Olson Memorial Library 203 North Main Street, Eagle River, Wisconsin

Kids, bring your caregivers to the library every Tuesday at 10:00am for stories, songs and fun! Contact Tori: 715-479-8070

Event Series Northwoods Share Free Community Dinner

Northwoods Share Free Community Dinner

The Rock Mission Center 1019 East Wall Street, Eagle River, Wisconsin

Community dinner where anyone from Eagle River area is invited to enjoy a free meal together as we deeper relationships. Local businesses and churches sponsor and this meal. We have birthday celebrations and short devotion. The Rock Mission Center, Pam Zaugg 715-479-3388