Event Series Swing Dance Class at the Warehouse

Swing Dance Class at the Warehouse

The Warehouse Art Center 107 South Railroad Street, Eagle River, Wisconsin

Basic swing dance classes with Bill Strasser This is a super fun, energetic and playful dance you can use for big band, rock, contemporary and country music. Bill will teach you basic steps, a little musicality, how to lead and follow and a few moves Fridays in July and August 5:00-5:45 at the Warehouse Classes…

Mixed Doubles Tennis Tournament

GERTA Tennis Courts

Mixed Doubles Play. Come with a different partner. Social after play. Bring a snack or a dish to share. 5:00pm- warm up   6:00pm-play Location: GERTA Tennis Courts, Eagle River, WI Contact: Ray 715-617-7515

Pedal in the Pines

St. Germain Community Park

Come enjoy the inaugural Pedal in the Pines bike ride The ride begins and ends at the St. Germain Community Park in downtown St. Germain There are three scenic routes…

Event Series Memory Cafe

Memory Cafe

Walter E. Olson Memorial Library 203 North Main Street, Eagle River, Wisconsin

The Memory Cafe is an opportunity for fellowship for the people living with memory loss, Alzheimer's & other related dementias and their care partners to enjoy regular, social-interaction with others…