Eagle River is home to many majestic sights, adventures, and outdoor activities for visitors. And we just happen to be a short drive away from one of the area’s most spectacular destinations that combines all three of those qualities: Copper Peak.
Though its days as a competitive ski jump have been put on pause for a while, thousands of visitors still flock to the jump to see over 2,500 square miles, 3 states, and views of Lake Superior. This land isn’t just rich in sightseeing, Copper Peak and Chippewa Hill are also known for the “copper rush” of the mid-1840s. Now designated as a Michigan Historical Site, you can find historical markers and destinations detailing the history of the area’s copper mining.
Since then, the area has become known for its famous ski jump that’s soon to be declared the world’s largest artificial ski jump. During its peak (no pun intended) the jump played host to 10 ski events from 1970 to 1994. But the fun’s not over, in recent years significant investments have been made to redevelop Copper Peak into a premier ski jump that can host year-round competitions and continue to show off the beauty of our area.
When you’re ready to get in on the action, it’s about an hour and a half drive from Eagle River to Copper Peak. Once there, you’ll take the chairlift to a landing, hop onto an elevator up 18 floors and then ascend another eight stories of stairs to reach 1,782 feet above sea level. It’s well worth the drive, ride, and climb to see the treetops, mountain bike trails, water, wildlife, and more.
After a day exploring, make the drive back into town for some dinner and a restful night’s sleep at one of our area hotels. Start planning your trip to Eagle River and Copper Peak.