FREE Homemade Thanksgiving Dinner

St. Mary of the Snows 1019 East Wall Street, Eagle River, Wisconsin

Join us for a FREE homemade Thanksgiving Dinner. Doors open at 3:00pm Sponsored by St. Mary of the Snows

Event Series Wiggle Giggle & Shake

Wiggle Giggle & Shake

Walter E. Olson Memorial Library 203 North Main Street, Eagle River, Wisconsin

Kids 0-5, bring your caregivers to Wiggle Giggle &  Shake, a free music and movement program where you can sing, dance and play! Grown-ups, this program can help strengthen family…

Santa Paws With a Cause

Nicolet Bank 400 E Wall St, Eagle River, WI

Professional Photo of your pet with Santa Paws and Mrs. Clause Photographs courtesy of Wild Rose Photography. $25.00 donation. Proceeds going to Totally Pawsome Location: Nicolet Bank of Eagle River…

Community Christmas Tree Event

Vilas County Fair Grounds

Join us at the Vilas County Fair Grounds for our Community Christmas Tree Event A tree will be provided You will need to provide your own lights, ornaments, and extension…

Event Series Nicolet Academic Success Center

Nicolet Academic Success Center

Walter E. Olson Memorial Library 203 North Main Street, Eagle River, Wisconsin

The academic Success Program offers courses and developmental services to improve students access and success in educational programs and to enhance the ability of individuals to function effectively in an increasingly complex society. Get help with GED and college prep, computer skills, academic support and more. Contact Sara: 715-479-8070