Olson Library presents Author Jennifer Schmidig
Walter E. Olson Memorial Library 203 North Main Street, Eagle RiverJoin us as we welcome local teacher and author Jennifer Schmidig to share the first book in her new children's series, Fairy & Gnome Tales. Location: Walter E. Olson Memorial…
HCPA and ERHS host a Veterans Open House
Eagle River Hisorical SocietyOpen house and talk about ERHS military display part of HCPA Vet Grant " Veterans and Families Expressions" Location: Eagle River Historical Society Date: Saturday March 23, 2024 Time: 12:00pm-2:00pm…
Pitlik Sand Beach Resort Cribbage Tournament
Pitlik's Sand Beach Resort 4833 Sand Beach Drive, Eagle RiverEvery Saturday from March 2nd- March 30th Games Start at 12:00pm 20.00 per team Registration Ends day of at 11:45am Pre-Registration Appreciated Call: 715-479-4955