Story Time
Walter E. Olson Memorial Library 203 North Main Street, Eagle River, WisconsinKids, bring your caregivers to the library every Tuesday at 10:00am for stories, songs and fun! Contact Tori: 715-479-8070
Seated Yoga at the Walter E. Memorial Library
Walter E. Olson Memorial Library 203 North Main Street, Eagle River, WisconsinFirst session: January 21st*** Tuesdays from 11:30am - 12:30pm Join us for Seated Yoga at the library, a low-impact activity designed to increase strength and flexibility. Come as you…
Winter BINGO at Kalmar
Kalmar Community Center 1011 North Railroad Street, Eagle River, WI, United StatesBINGO at the Kalmar Community Center January 7- April 29,2025 Time: 1:00 pm No daubers needed Snacks and beverages available Open to all ages. Public welcome. Call 715-337-2510 for more…
Public Referendum Informational Meetings
Walter E. Olson Memorial Library 203 North Main Street, Eagle River, WisconsinReferendum Question on the Ballot Shall the Northland Pines School District be authorized to exceed state revenue limits by $5,600,000 each year for a period of three years on a…
Good News Club K-5th grade
Northland Pines Elementary SchoolPLAY- LEARN- GROW For all elementary students in graded K-5th Northland Pines Elementary School This is NOT an activity of the school or the school district. Large Group Instruction room…
Northwoods Share Free Community Dinner
The Rock Mission Center 1019 East Wall Street, Eagle River, WisconsinCommunity dinner where anyone from Eagle River area is invited to enjoy a free meal together as we deeper relationships. Local businesses and churches sponsor and this meal. We have…
Free in-Person Tax Preparation
Kalmar Community Center 1011 North Railroad Street, Eagle River, WI, United StatesAARP Foundation Tax-Aid offers free tax preparation to anyone of any age-especially if you are 50 or older or can't afford paid tax preparation
Free in-Person Tax Preparation
Kalmar Community Center 1011 North Railroad Street, Eagle River, WI, United StatesAARP Foundation Tax-Aid offers free tax preparation to anyone of any age-especially if you are 50 or older or can't afford paid tax preparation
Sno-Eagles Snowmobile Club Weekly Trail Rides
Eagle River Depot MuseumJoin a guided trail ride with a stop for lunch and returning around 3:30pm. Wednesday rides are longer and faster paced. Rides are contingent on trail conditions, so check
Beginning Stargazing and Introduction to Smart Telescopes
Nicolet CollegeThis program will provide a brief overview of our Solar System, the Milky Way Galaxy, and the Universe. We'll cover the scale and times to travel to different locations. You'll…
Aunt Grace’s Sewing Circle
Walter E. Olson Memorial Library 203 North Main Street, Eagle River, WisconsinJoin fellow sewers every Thursday at 9:00am. All are welcome and the library has several sewing machines available for use. Contact Sara: 715-479-8070
Bridge Classes at Kalmar Community Center
Kalmar Community Center 1011 North Railroad Street, Eagle River, WI, United StatesReady for Some FUN? Our class will use a text developed by the American Contract Bridge League We are fortunate to have trained instructors from the Badger Bridge club for…