Story Time
Walter E. Olson Memorial Library 203 North Main Street, Eagle River, WisconsinKids, bring your caregivers to the library every Tuesday at 10:00am for stories, songs and fun! Contact Tori: 715-479-8070
Northwoods Share Free Community Dinner
The Rock Mission Center 1019 East Wall Street, Eagle River, WisconsinCommunity dinner where anyone from Eagle River area is invited to enjoy a free meal together as we deeper relationships. Local businesses and churches sponsor and this meal. We have…
Nicolet Academic Success Center
Walter E. Olson Memorial Library 203 North Main Street, Eagle River, WisconsinThe academic Success Program offers courses and developmental services to improve students access and success in educational programs and to enhance the ability of individuals to function effectively in an…
Aunt Grace’s Sewing Circle
Walter E. Olson Memorial Library 203 North Main Street, Eagle River, WisconsinJoin fellow sewers every Thursday at 9:00am. All are welcome and the library has several sewing machines available for use. Contact Sara: 715-479-8070
Kalmar Community Center: Sheepshead / Mahjongg
Kalmar Community Center 1011 North Railroad Street, Eagle River, WI, United StatesJoin us for an afternoon of fun. Players form teams to play games of Sheepshead / Mahjongg. The number of games is determined by the amount of players. Beginners and…
Compassus Grief Support Group
Walter E. Olson Memorial Library 203 North Main Street, Eagle River, WisconsinAre you grieving the loss of a loved one? Compassus offers a support group that can help on the first Thursday of every month at 1:00pm. Contact Sara: 715-479-8070
Sno-Eagles Snowmobile Club Christmas Party
Eagle Waters Supper Club 3958 Eagle Waters Rd, Eagle River, WIThe Sno-Eagles Snowmobile Club Christmas Party $35.00 per person. Non club members are welcome to join the fun! Tickets must be purchased ahead of time on the Sno-Eagles website,…
What to Expect When You’re Expecting to Turn 40+
Hey Ladies! Jill Brundtad, PA-C and Shayne Wilfer will facilitate as we explore the crazy, concerning and sometimes comical changed in our bodies and minds as we age. Weekly discussions…
Wiggle Giggle & Shake
Walter E. Olson Memorial Library 203 North Main Street, Eagle River, WisconsinKids 0-5, bring your caregivers to Wiggle Giggle & Shake, a free music and movement program where you can sing, dance and play! Grown-ups, this program can help strengthen family…
Three Lakes Center for the Arts Presents: The Northwoods Singers
Three Lakes Center for the Arts 1760 Superior Street, Three Lakes, WI, United StatesDr. Pamalyn Lee Directs The Northwoods Singers "Carols By Candlelight" We’ll hear holiday songs, Christmas Carols and sing-a-longs. Refreshments following the concert Admission: Adults- $15.00 Under 13-$5.00
Wisconsin WINDIGO 2024-2025 Home Games
Eagle River Sports Arena 4149 Wisconsin 70, Eagle River, United StatesFree Mending Day at Walter E. Olson Memorial Library
Walter E. Olson Memorial Library 203 North Main Street, Eagle River, WisconsinDo you have a loose button or a popped seam you're not sure how to fix? Bring your loved but worn and clean clothes to the library for FREE mending!…